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The Inflation Reduction Act: A Game-Changer for Lithium Investments and Battery Production

The Inflation Reduction Act is proving to be a transformative force in the electric vehicle (EV) sector, particularly in the lithium supply chain and battery production. This legislation is catalyzing a shift in the economics of the industry, leading to a surge in investments and… Read More »The Inflation Reduction Act: A Game-Changer for Lithium Investments and Battery Production

Biden’s Groundbreaking E.P.A. Proposal Set to Skyrocket EV Sales and Ignite a Battery Metals Bonanza

Introduction: Groundbreaking Auto Pollution Limits In a bid to combat climate change and drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Biden administration is planning to implement some of the most stringent auto pollution limits in the world. The proposed Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) legislation aims to… Read More »Biden’s Groundbreaking E.P.A. Proposal Set to Skyrocket EV Sales and Ignite a Battery Metals Bonanza