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Comparing North American Lithium Projects

Comparing publicly traded North American Lithium Projects, project’s resource & reserve, economics, stage, opex & capex.

Project Map

Size: Measured & Indicated lithium resource, 
: Stage (see chart below) 

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Chart color: Project Stage Read more


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Project Stage

Project stage based on released technical reports from each company.
Size: Resource (Inferred not included), Color:Stage


Resource Size

Project resource based on the most recent technical reports from each company.

Resource Size

Project resource based on the most recent technical reports from each company.

Project Economics

All using the same forecasted pricing

Interpolated values from company’s technical reports.
Pricing used: $12000/t LCE & $750/t SC6

After-Tax Net Present Value

After-Tax IRR

Chart color: Project Stage –Read more

Operating Cost per Tonne LCE

Initial Capital Costs

Project comparison

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About the comparison

Only projects post-PEA stage

To be able to compare project economics, the comparison only includes projects post-PEA stage.


The same price projection of $12000/t LCE, or $750/t SC6 were used for all projects.* 


Only the resource qualified as measured or indicated will be presented in the charts

*For projects where the company had chosen a pricing forecast different from the one used on this site, the NPV & IRR were interpolated from provided values in the companies released technical documents. More information on each projects NPV & sensitivity analysis on the relevant company’s profile page. 

Chart colors: Based on the most recently released public technical report

The resource development stages: Where in the development cycle are the technical reports released?
