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World’s Largest Iron-Air Battery to Be Built in Maine

Form Energy plans to revolutionize energy storage with the construction of the world’s largest iron-air battery in Maine. This monumental project will boast an 85-megawatt output, significantly benefiting New England residents.

Iron-Air Batteries: A Sustainable Alternative

Iron-air batteries are about 90% cheaper to install than lithium-ion variants. They operate for up to 100 hours using air, water, and iron with a non-flammable electrolyte, providing a safer, more environmentally-friendly option.

Project Details and Impacts

The new battery will be located in Lincoln, Maine, on the former site of a paper mill. Form Energy received $147 million from the Department of Energy for the 8,500 megawatt-hour project, which is expected to be functional by 2028.

Benefits for New England

Having this battery will enhance New England’s energy grid by reducing reliance on fossil fuels, especially during winter when energy demand is high. This initiative could also lead to lower electricity bills and reduced pollution.

Economic Opportunities

Besides environmental benefits, the battery project promises economic growth. It’s anticipated to create around 100 short-term construction jobs and 5 to 10 permanent positions, supporting the local economy.

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