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Form Energy’s Iron-Air Batteries to Power the Largest Battery Installation

Form Energy’s Pioneering Battery Project

Form Energy (FORM) is set to revolutionize energy storage with plans to build the world’s largest battery installation in Maine. Unlike traditional lithium-ion batteries, this project will use cutting-edge iron-air battery technology.

Advantages of Iron-Air Batteries

Iron-air batteries are around 90% less expensive to install than their lithium-ion counterparts. They offer a longer energy output duration of approximately 100 hours and minimize environmental risks since they are non-flammable.

Impact on New England’s Energy Grid

The installation, with an 85-megawatt output, will be situated in Lincoln, Maine. This location is pivotal due to New England’s vulnerability to energy shortages, especially in the winter. With this new technology, dependency on oil and gas will decrease, enhancing grid reliability.

Economic and Environmental Benefits

This project is expected to bring significant advantages, such as potential reductions in electric bills for residents and lower pollution levels. Additionally, it could create around 100 short-term construction jobs and several long-term positions, benefiting the local economy.

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