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Arizona Tribe Opposes Lithium Drilling on Sacred Lands

Arizona Lithium (AZL) faces opposition as the Hualapai Tribe seeks to extend a temporary drilling ban for their lithium project near sacred tribal grounds. Arizona tribe leaders appeared in court, aiming to protect their culturally significant lands from exploratory drilling. Duane Clark, the Hualapai Tribe’s chairman, emphasized that preserving ceremonial waters ensures a secure future for his people.

Lithium Exploration Versus Tribal Rights

The tribe wants a preliminary injunction pending a trial that assesses the Bureau of Land Management’s evaluation of impacts on sacred springs, known as Ha’Kamwe’. These springs have historical significance for healing and prayer traditions.

Environmental and Cultural Concerns

The tribe argues that noise, dust, and vibrations from the project will alter the unique setting of Ha’Kamwe’ and the Big Sandy area. Lawyers claim that these changes, if allowed, threaten the cultural and ceremonial relevancy of the region.

Legal Implications

Federal and company lawyers argue that the tribe’s claims lack concrete evidence of imminent harm, while the tribe contends that cultural impacts and federal consultation processes are insufficient.

Arizona Lithium counters that lithium exploration is pivotal for the green energy transition and that delays harm public interests.

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