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Bolivia and Russia Partner on $1bn Lithium Plant

Bolivia’s state lithium company YLB and Russia’s Uranium One Group have signed an agreement to build a US$976-million lithium plant. This plant will utilize direct lithium extraction (DLE) technology combined with carbonation.

Details of the Agreement

The facility is set to be constructed in the Llipi sector in Potosí department, south of the Uyuni salt flat. It is projected to produce an annual 14,000 tons of certified battery-grade lithium, although initial production will start at 1,000 tons per year.

The agreement was formalized by YLB’s president, Omar Alarcón, and Uranium One’s legal representative, Larisa Lysova. The signing was attended by President Luis Arce, Vice President David Choquehuanca, and other government officials.

Technological Merit

The DLE technology is expected to achieve lithium recovery rates exceeding 80%, significantly higher than the 12% achieved using traditional evaporation ponds.

Strategic Intent

President Arce’s administration aims to transform Bolivia into a significant global lithium supplier, with a target to export 50,000 tons per year of lithium carbonate.

Assembly Challenges

Despite ambitions, President Arce faces challenges in gaining approval for the contract in the national assembly. Former Deputy Minister Hector Córdova noted that political dynamics and upcoming elections could pose hurdles.

Lithium Resources

The Bolivian government estimates its lithium resources at 23 million tons. Exploration is ongoing to potentially expand these figures further.

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