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Thousands Protest in Serbia Against Anti-Lithium Activist Crackdown

Business Standard
Thousands gathered in Serbia’s capital, Belgrade, to protest the government’s actions against environmental activists opposing a major lithium excavation project. Organized by the group Eko Straza, the demonstration centered around the detentions of activists by Serbian authorities. Activists allege that their homes have been searched, and electronic devices confiscated, amidst social media threats.

Lithium Excavation Plans Spark Unrest

Environmental groups argue that the proposed lithium mine in the Jadar valley would cause irreversible harm to local ecosystems and resources, such as water and arable land. In contrast, officials claim the project could boost the economy.

Opposition from Environmental Advocates

Despite government assurances, protestors have voiced strong opposition. Activist Nina Stojanovic emphasized the collective goal to protect human rights and stand united. Critics of the plan argue that the project is part of a larger, foreign-backed strategy to destabilize the government.

Government and Public Safety Concerns

The Serbian government has cited public safety concerns, highlighting instances where protests caused disruptions by blocking roads and railways. Meanwhile, President Aleksandar Vucic has accused the movements of being driven by external forces.

International Implications

The Serbian lithium project has drawn international attention, with figures such as French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressing support. However, Serbia’s ties with Russia and China complicate its EU membership aspirations.

As the situation unfolds, the Serbian public remains divided, balancing economic potential against environmental and human rights concerns.

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