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Bradda Head Lithium Ltd Announces Certification of Annual Filings

Bradda Head Lithium Ltd Certification of Annual Filings

Bradda Head Lithium Ltd (BHL) has announced the certification of its annual filings for the financial year ending February 29, 2024. The certification was provided by Ian Stalker, Executive Chairman.

Reviewed Documents

I, Ian Stalker, have reviewed the AIF, any annual financial statements, and the annual MD&A of the issuer for the year ended February 29, 2024.

No Misrepresentations

Based on my knowledge and due diligence, the annual filings do not contain any untrue statements or omissions needed to make the filings not misleading.

Fair Presentation

The annual financial statements and other financial information fairly present the financial condition, performance, and cash flows of the issuer as of the dates and periods presented.

Note to Reader

Unlike non-venture issuers, this Venture Issuer Basic Certificate does not cover disclosure controls and procedures (DC&P) and internal control over financial reporting (ICFR). Therefore, there may be additional risks to the quality, reliability, transparency, and timeliness of filings. The certifying officers assert that processes are in place to provide sufficient knowledge for this certification. For further details, contact your financial advisor.

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